On the internet, total freedom of expression is allowed in most cases. But when it comes to opinions about cats, few are daring to express themselves negatively 🙂
You can probably relate to this funny video if you’ve ever been in a group project. Perhaps (or probably) you’re not the responsible one, but we’re pretty sure that you know that every group need this person.
This cute cat has been out playing in the garden, but now the owner thinks that playtime is over and she’s trying to get her friend inside. This isn’t usually a major problem, but after watching this funny video we think that it’s pretty obvious that the cat wants to be left
Isn’t it wonderful to be surprised (in a positive way)? When these three Australian girls on a roadtrip were bored they decided to brighten up the day. So they put together an amazing choreography to a song you probably recognize, rigged a camera and pressed the play button on the car’s CD