No matter how hard you train on your photo-look, you will probably never look as good as you expected in a photo. As soon as you hear the camera shutter, you probably already know the outcome…
Tag: Demotivational

The way you look at school is depending on where in life you are. It is often seen as a prison by it’s students, as an opportunity to relax by the parents, and the teacher sees it as… Well, the picture really says it all.

If you have access to the boards and a sense of craftsmanship you can work wonders with limited resources. The house in this picture probably didn’t cost very much to build, but the question is rather what the land (island) was?

Most things have a magical glow around them as seen through a child’s eyes – Even the laundry basket could be fun (to hide in, for example). As an adult, it’s a liiiitle bit harder to see the fun with a laundry basket.