You probably recognize the dog on this funny picture. You probably have him your gang too – you know, that one person who’s always jerking around as soon as a camera appears?

Have you ever wondered how you managed to survive your wild youth? You should always have your eyes set on the future, but sometimes it can as fun as it is frightening to look back on your life and the decisions you’ve taken.

Almost every cat owner loves to pamper their little darlings. Most of the cat owners also knows how hard it is to buy a gift for the damn cat that surpasses the box that the gift came in.

Everybody who’s ever been on a diet knows the struggle. A diet is never easy but it’s damn near impossible if your friends doesn’t respect your choice and do what they can to help you on the way.

Many of us have probably gone to the hairdresser and expecting a completely different result than delivered. For my part, this problem is a thing of the past because I managed to find a hairdresser who can only do one hairstyle.

Everyone loves to be celebrated with a cake and this cute dog is certainly no exception. Hmmm, to be honset… Using the word “happy” to describe this dog’s feeling would probably be the understatement of the century.