Cats has about double the need for sleep in relation to humans, and they are often more active at night than during the day. I love cats, but sometimes I wish that our sleep cycles could coincide a bit better.

People working out in the gym often uses the expression that “meat builds muscle” to justify their overconsumption of meat. But with the logic: What happens if you eat a lot of vegetables?

Sleeping Beauty is a well known tale about a beautiful daughter of a king that could only be awakened by a kiss from her true love. Personally, i would let my darling sleep. After all, it’s much safer to let sleeping dogs lie 😉

Living healthy is important, but isn’t it more important to try to have fun in life? You can spend countless of hours in the gym in an attempt look better, but it’s quite pointless if you don’t have fun between the gym hours.

US domestic cats captures and kills roughly 2.4 billion birds annually. This is a serious problem (for the birds), but we hope that this funny picture can bring a little hope to all the birds out there that are still flying free.

Cats and stylish people is what seems to capture the most attention on the Internet and there’s finally a website that is dedicated both of these interests: “Des Hommes et des Chatons“. It has an awesome collection of good looking guys posing and cats that have similar facial expressions and body language. In the