A fight that has been going since ancient times is that between reason and emotion. Most of us choose (despite better judgment) to follow the heart, because if we don’t, that gut feeling will keep chasing us until we do.

If you’ve ever eaten a banana you i’m pretty sure that you can relate to this funny picture. Actually, most of you can probably even feel the taste of this disgusting part – just by looking at this picture.

For many of us, thursday is a day when a wonderful feeling starts to arise in both body and mind. Sure, there are two days left of the work week, but doesn’t it almost feel like one?

The time when we thought that women belonged in the kitchen are (thank god) long gone. However, as this funny picture shows, women had to endure a lot of temptations from men that tried to get them back there.

Most of us are probably acquainted with the uncomfortable feeling of stress, and most of us doesn’t appreciate it. However, when it affects someone else (like in this funny picture) it can be quite entertaining.

If you’re a man and if you’ve ever been in a relationship with a woman you will most certainly be able to relate to this funny picture. And ladies – you probably recognize the situation too, don’t you?