It is easy to feel poor when approaching payday, but i’m trying to have an optimistic approach on life – so I choose to look at my zeros as an asset instead of a burden.

Most of us have a pretty healthy interest in clothes, but now and then we run still finds something that raises an animalistic desires within us. And unfortunately, this often happens when the wallet is empty.

Those with Netflix (or other streaming service) probably recognize themselves in this funny picture. I mean, some series are actually so good that it’s almost impossible to watch less than one season at a time

This cute cat has been out playing in the garden, but now the owner thinks that playtime is over and she’s trying to get her friend inside. This isn’t usually a major problem, but after watching this funny video we think that it’s pretty obvious that the cat wants to be left

Some of us have no problem whatsoever with eating healthy food, but some of us would rather eat a shoe sole than a lettuce leaf. The cat in this funny picture appears to belong to the latter category.

In today’s easily offended society, it’s very easy to step on someone’s toes. Who knows, perhaps even this funny picture will offend someone, but we’ll ignore that and stand our ground and post it anyway 🙂