The relations between cats and dogs are often quite strained, so it is not unusual for them to fool around with each other when their owners aren’t looking. I can’t help to wonder what these cute cats have done?

There is much that separates today’s generations apart, but how we use technology is probably one of the biggest differences. Looking at the picture, it would seem that our social skills are pretty equal though.

Mondays. A fresh start to a new week of endless possibilities! It’s a lovely feeling when the alarm goes of on monday morning and you wake up knowing that the weekend is finally over. Or does it feel just the opposite?

It’s pretty unusual to hear cheers of joy when someone takes out an old photo album to showcase their childhood pictures. However, if you show your pictures in the way that is shown in these funny pictures it’s probably a totally different story though. It has recently become trendy to recreate your childhood pictures and it’s

It’s usually a good thing when a family increases in numbers., but when you add a cat to the family it’s a totally different thing – especially for the dog.

It’s always fun to play with our four-legged friends. A dog is seldom resentful so you might as well play with a clear conscience – You will probably be forgiven the moment you reveal your mischief.