Most of us are probably acquainted with the uncomfortable feeling of stress, and most of us doesn’t appreciate it. However, when it affects someone else (like in this funny picture) it can be quite entertaining.
Category: Original HD MEMES

If you’re a man and if you’ve ever been in a relationship with a woman you will most certainly be able to relate to this funny picture. And ladies – you probably recognize the situation too, don’t you?

Animals can teach us many techniques of stress management. For example, we can choose to bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich. Another effective technique is demonstrated by the dog in this funny picture.

Regardless of how the work week has elapsed, most of us probably draws a sigh of relief now that friday finally is upon us. This cute kid is no exception and his facial expression says it all!

This cute cat has, as the saying goes, been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And when you’re caught in the act there is rarely any point in denying the crime…

Most cats seem to have the energy of a Duracell bunny. It is both fun and soothing to see a cat run around and play, but we mustn’t forget that it is important that we charge them with the right kind of energy 😉