Those with Netflix (or other streaming service) probably recognize themselves in this funny picture. I mean, some series are actually so good that it’s almost impossible to watch less than one season at a time
Category: Original HD MEMES
Some of us have no problem whatsoever with eating healthy food, but some of us would rather eat a shoe sole than a lettuce leaf. The cat in this funny picture appears to belong to the latter category.
In today’s easily offended society, it’s very easy to step on someone’s toes. Who knows, perhaps even this funny picture will offend someone, but we’ll ignore that and stand our ground and post it anyway 🙂
Everyday we’re reading tips in the newspapers and online about how to get that perfect body. However, beauty is subjective, so this funny picture shows an alternative way to a body that you can feel satisfied with.
What’s the difference between a friend and an acquaintance? In today’s Internet-based world, the answer is quite simple – Friends are the people we hang out with IRL (In Real Life) and acquaintance are those whose statuses we likes on Facebook.
We love this funny picture just because of that you see tracks of the fallen hero leading away from the crash site. It’s never fun when someone is injured, but this seem to have ended well 🙂