The Zombie trend is big in TV series and movies right now. And even though it’s a scary thought to become an undead, there are other things about this transformation that scares a person with poor stamina.
Category: Original HD MEMES

They say that money can’t buy happiness, but this isn’t entirely true. If you have money, you can buy bacon, and bacon makes most people happy. Thus, happiness can be bought with money 🙂

Most of us will probably recognize ourselves in this funny picture. It really doesn’t matter how well-behaved you think you are, when it comes to eating snacks when we’re home alone, we’re all barbarians.

Coffee is a fantastic drink that cures everything from headaches to fatigue. The cat in this funny picture has obviously not been drinking coffee, but didn’t it feel something like this the first time you sipped the drink?

It is easy to feel poor when approaching payday, but i’m trying to have an optimistic approach on life – so I choose to look at my zeros as an asset instead of a burden.

Most of us have a pretty healthy interest in clothes, but now and then we run still finds something that raises an animalistic desires within us. And unfortunately, this often happens when the wallet is empty.