Many dogs love to chase balls and most of these dogs choose to run back to their owners with it, just for the chance to be able to chase it again. The dog in this funny picture appears to be of another opinion.
Category: Original HD MEMES

It’s usually appreciated when the family grows, but not always and not by all. If, for example, you have a cat and you acquire a dog, you’re pretty much asking for trouble – at least for a while 🙂

The dog is considered to be man’s best friend, and when it comes to celebrating your best friend there’s no point in letting your wallet controlling the gift choice. In fact, isn’t every friend worth a celebration like this?

For some reason you always seem to find what you really need (read: want) when the wallet is empty. The girl in this funny picture seems to wait for their weekly allowance – and for her feet to grow.

There is still a long way to summer, and many are sweating at the gym just to feel ok about going to the beach. However, to follow this funny tip is a much easier path to unashamedly show up at the beach.