When you, after hours of testing clothes and after twenty-seven crying attacks (because you have nothing to wear), finally decide that you look good enough to show yourself in public, this situation is anything but fun …
Category: Original HD MEMES

Anyone who has ever tried to talk to a child about the important things in life (like that they should always listen to adults for example) can probably relate to this funny picture.

As summer approaches, it’s time to start thinking about what impression you want to give people you meet. It’s not wrong to have hairy legs, but it’s probably not what’s expected of you 😉

Most of us have probably at some point in life, been standing in front of the mirror, practising on a sexy gaze. It is not easy to master, and most of us probably never will. No matter what we tell ourselves.

Spending time with friends at the bar is a popular and relaxing way to hang out. Even if all your friends haven’t reached drinking age they can still join you and have a great time!