To get a working relationship we must all be prepared to make compromises now and then – And believe it or not, now and then it actually happens that both parties benefits from the compromise 🙂
Tag: Relationships

To choice where and what to eat is not as easy as it may seem. Indeed, there is an infinite number of factors that come into play when choosing – and this is something that men will probably never understand.

A fight that has been going since ancient times is that between reason and emotion. Most of us choose (despite better judgment) to follow the heart, because if we don’t, that gut feeling will keep chasing us until we do.

The time when we thought that women belonged in the kitchen are (thank god) long gone. However, as this funny picture shows, women had to endure a lot of temptations from men that tried to get them back there.

If you’re a man and if you’ve ever been in a relationship with a woman you will most certainly be able to relate to this funny picture. And ladies – you probably recognize the situation too, don’t you?